Gold investment has become more popular than ever. While many people concentrate their initial interest in gold on buying physical quantities of gold, such as coins or bars, others migrate into investment in gold mining companies. Buying stocks from these companies can be very beneficial for your portfolio.
Why Invest in Gold Mining Companies?
One general rule that you can apply to your precious metals investments is that of diversification. It is not wise to invest in anything in too much concentration. Your gold investments should comprise various quantities of gold as well as shares in companies involved in the gold business otherwise.
Investing in gold mining companies exposes you to the advantages of the strong support in gold prices. However, it does not leave you reliant on a rising gold price in order to make profits. A company’s stock can advance even if its underlying product is left stagnant.
You can also enjoy other advantages of stocks, such as dividends, which you cannot get from investing in gold. In fact, investing directly in gold can be troublesome because you must sell of the physical pieces of gold in order to make a profit. With stocks, your shares have high liquidity and you can generate income if you buy dividend stocks.
Tips for Investing in Gold Mining Companies
This is good initial advice but then you have to actually include some gold mining stocks in your portfolio. You will need some sound financial strategy in order to do this well. Before you begin investing any money, consider the two following tips.
Review Properties
Each gold mining company has a number of properties whose locations and other data should be included in the company’s fundamentals. Understand ahead of time that roughly 90% of a company’s properties will never become mines.
This applies more or less to all such companies, even the more successful ones. Each property will consume considerable capital and other resources just to explore. Building a mine will cost even more. Among the fundamentals, look for hard facts about drilling results at various properties before investing money.
Interest Yourself in Politics
If you have any investment experience at all, you know that politics play a major role in the market. Elections and policies can all have an immediate impact, even on the prices of companies that have nothing to do with the political elements in life.
Many gold mining companies are located in developing countries. Consider the political and social situations present around the mines you are looking at. Is there any guerrilla warfare going on? Does the local government make it difficult to extract natural resources?
With these at least two things in mind, you can improve the effectiveness of your gold mining stock choices. As you gain experience investing in these companies, you will learn on your own how to be a successful gold mine investor.